Space Launch Initiative 2nd Generation Launch Vehicle Program Advanced GN&C Risk Reduction, entitled: Demonstrating Reduced Mission Cost with Flight Mechanics "Design for Operations" Concepts Using USL’s Integrated Development and Operations System NASA –
Marshall Space
Flight Center
USL is tightly integrating vehicle and ground system data, system modeling, mission requirements, design and flight-test data tools into an Integrated Development and Operations System (IDOS). Our IDOS approach lowers mission costs and increases mission safety by: (1) reducing the labor-hours required to plan, design, and validate an end-to-end mission; (2) reducing the turn-around time of developing a validated, flight ready mission guidance load (hours rather than months); and (3) improving quality and reliability through strategic automation of software processes. Our approach enables a single operator to rapidly iterate a mission plan linking ascent, on-orbit, entry, and landing guidance schemes with navigation and control routines. As part of IDOS, we are working with to evolve an advanced entry guidance algorithm to lower mission operations costs and provide enhanced capability to existing entry guidance schemes.

Support to Northrop Grumman’s Space Launch Initiative Architecture Definition TA-1 Extension Contract

Northrop Grumman Corporation

USL is a subcontractor to Northrop Grumman to provide critical operations support to Northrop Grumman’s TA-1 architecture definition and development program for NASA'S Orbital Space Plane (OSP). USL is employing our past experience in spacecraft operations, aircraft operations, and commercial business development to provide the necessary insight and expertise in ensuring a comprehensive definition and evaluation of operations requirements for Northrop Grumman’s OSP architecture. USL is responsible for the operations requirements definition and development within the overall context of the identification and initial development of the overal OSP system elements. USL employs our disciplined systems engineering process to define operational requirements consistent with the OSP requirements and missions. As in prior work for Northrop Grumman on the 2nd Generation RLV effort, USL works closely with to ensure that the OSP elements are coordinated well with the required OSP launch infrastructure.

Support to Space Launch Corporation’s RASCAL contract with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Space Launch Corporation / DARPA USL is providing Space Launch Corporation (SLC) with operations concepts and operations technologies and designs in support of the DARPA Responsive Access Small Cargo Affordable Launch (RASCAL) program. USL is focusing on the development and demonstration of advanced checkout and control system concepts, techniques and technologies to reduce the overall mission costs in the RASCAL program. Specific areas of emphasis are Launch and Mission Planning (including the design and development of a Mission Operations and Coordination Center), Communications Interfaces (including the development of common vehicle/ground system interfaces that assure rapid launch system turnaround and reduction in cost), and Flight Safety (including all activities associated with the coordination and development of range safety and air traffic control interface requirements).
Support to Wright Patterson Air Force Research Laboratory for Space Access Simulation (SAS) Evaluation and Development (Contract with Veridian)

Veridian /Wright Patterson AFRL/VACD

USL is teamed with Veridian to support Wright Patterson AFRL/VACD in providing a comprehensive simulation test and analysis capability to support the Space Access Simulation (SAS) Evaluation and Development for the Simulation-based Technology Assessment (STA) Program. This work will focus on development of modeling and simulation tools and environments to assess space vehicle technology development and to provide a space access simulation capability for the Air Force Research Laboratory. The SAS will be used to evaluate space vehicle concepts that are currently being developed in the Air Vehicle Directorate in the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL/VA). The work supports AFRL/VACD's work with AFRL/VAAA (Space Operating Vehicle (SOV) team), AFRL/VAOT (Space Access Focus Area), AFRL/HE, and also AFRL/VS to design and develop a suitable capability to test and analyze space vehicle technologies, missions, and design concepts.